مجلة جامعة النجاح للأبحاث (العلوم الإنسانية) مجلد 22 (3 ) 2008
الاضطرابات السلوكية لدى أطفال أسر المعتقلين الفلسطينيين في محافظة بيت لحم من وجھة نظر الأمھات
سھير الصباح و
لؤي زعول
Suhair Al-Sabbah & Luay Zaool
قسم التربية وعلم النفس/ كلية الآداب/ جامعة القدس)أبو ديس(
تاريخ تسليم: (29/9/2007) تاريخ القبول: (10/4/2004)
This study aimed to knowing the most important Features of
Behavioral Disorders which are spread among the Children of
Palestinian detainees in The Bethlehem Governorate from the
point of
view of the mothers. It also aimed to determining the
disorders among
the children according to age, place of residence, sex,
educational level
of the mothers and the income level of the family. The
sample of this
study consisted of (201) mothers in the families of the
detainees in the
Governorate of Bethlehem. They were chosen by the stratified
sample method.The data were statistically treated by
calculating the
arithmetic medians and standard deviations, the (T-test),
one way Anova,
Tukey Test, and Person Correlation Coefficient to make sure
of the
validity of the instrument of the study& reliability.
The results indicated
that the level of behavioral disorder of the children of the
detainees in Bethlehem Governorate from the point of view of
mothers was average and the medium was (3.35). It was also
that the most important features of the behavioral disorders
represented in the phobia disorders, However, aggressive
behavior was
less than that. This study also revealed statically
significant differences,
in behavioral disorders according to the age of the children
(9.1 -12 )
years ,it was indicated that there are no differences
according to the sex,
place of residence, the level of the income of the family,
and the level of
the mother's education.
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